> A digital solution for professional evolution.


In this solution created in my UX certification, the challenge was “how can we help people adopt habits and behaviors in remote work?”. We mapped opportunities to help people who have distanced from the traditional office routine and want to continue developing themselves in their careers.
After a series of researches and dynamics we were able to conclude:
  • The lack (or poorly structured) feedback increases insecurity about career decisions.
  • Productivity, autonomy and professional achievement stand out as benefits of remote work.
We imagined a life coach style app that motivates people to think more about their careers, with development plans, coaching worksheets, exclusive content and access to specialized mentorships.
Desk research (Pulses/Reprodução Você S/A)
Desk research (FEA-USP, 08/09/21)
Pesquisa quanti/recrutamento para entrevista
Entrevista em profundidade
Matri CSD